The 2nd InaSHG Conference 2021
Theme: “Research and Clinical Practice in Genomic Era: Challenges and Opportunities”
September 04-05, 2021

🗃️ More detailed information: https://inashg-fkugj.id

Dear Colleagues,

The Indonesian Society of Human Genetics (InaSHG) or Perhimpunan Ahli Genetika Manusia Indonesia (PAGMI) in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati (FM-UGJ) will organize the 2nd InaSHG conference on September 04 – 05, 2021 via an exclusively virtual event.

This virtual experience is a landmark opportunity to network and learn from colleagues around the globe. Held as part of the agenda 13th Dies Natalis of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, the 2nd InaSHG conference will be essential for members, researchers and participants to discuss about the progress of human genetics from cellular, molecular biology, genomics, clinical genetics and other related field such as microbiology and infectious diseases. The theme of the conference is “Research and Clinical Practice in Genomic Era: Challenges and Opportunities”. We are pleased to invite you to submit your research paper to the 2nd InaSHG Conference. Only selected paper will be given a recommendation to submit their paper in the International Journal Indexed by Scopus or National Journal Accredited by Indonesian Higher Education Commission (SINTA 1-3)

This year, two plenary lectures and seven symposia will be held:
1. Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Mendelian Diseases
2. Disorder of Sex Development: From Genetics to Management
3. Hereditary Cancer and Genetics
4. Congenital Anomalies and Complex Genetic Disorders
5. Challenge on Diagnosis and Management of Hemoglobinopathies
6. Recent Advances in Molecular Genetics and Genomic Diagnostic
7. Molecular Biology, Infection and Medical Ethic

📆 Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: August 23, 2021
Notification of abstract acceptance: August 27, 2021
Registration deadline: September 03, 2021
The conference date: September 04-05, 2021

📚 International Speakers:
1. Brian Hon-Yin Chung, MD, Ph.D (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)*
2. Erik Sistermans, Ph.D (VU University Medical Centre, Netherlands)
3. Gerard Pals, Prof., Ph.D (VU University Medical Centre, Netherlands)
4. Ghada El-Kamah, Prof., MD, Ph.D (Department of Clinical Genetics, National Research Center, Egypt)
5. Helger Yntema, Ph.D (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Netherlands)
6. Juliana M.H Lee, FHGSA (Genetic Counselling) (Genetic Counselling Asia)
7. Lai Poh San, Prof., MD, Ph.D (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
8. Sarina Sulong, Ph.D (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)
9. Thong Meow Keong, Prof., MD, Ph.D, FHGSA (Genetic Counselling) (Department of Clinical Genetics, University of Malaya, Malaysia)
10. Zilfalil Alwi, Prof., MD, Ph.D (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)

📚 Indonesian Speakers:
1. Achmad Zulfa Juniarto, MD, Ph.D, Sp.And (Center for Biomedical Research, Universitas Diponegoro)
2. Agustini Utari, MD, Ph.D, Sp.A(K) (Center for Biomedical Research, Universitas Diponegoro)
3. Ahmad Fariz Malzi Zamzam Zein, MD, Sp.PD (Waled Hospital Cirebon-Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati)
4. Akhmad Makhmudi, MD, Ph.D, Sp.BA(K) (Sardjito Hospital-Universitas Gadjah Mada)
5. Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo, Prof., MD, Ph.D, Sp.PD-KHOM, FACP (Universitas Indonesia)
6. Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, Prof. MD, Ph.D, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV (Universitas Airlangga)*
7. Damajanti Rusli Sjarief, Prof., MD, Ph.D, Sp.A(K) (Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital-Universitas Indonesia)
8. Gara Samara Brajadenta, MD, Ph.D (Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati)
9. Gunadi, MD, Ph.D, Sp.BA (Sardjito Hospital-Universitas Gadjah Mada)
10. Herawati Sudoyo, Prof., MD, Ph.D (Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology)
11. Iswari Setianingsih, MD, Ph.D (Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology)
12. Mohamad Erwin Indrakusuma, MD, Sp. MK (Waled Hospital Cirebon-Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati)
13. Muhammad Hussein Gasem, Prof., MD, Ph.D, Sp.PD-KPTI (Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati)
14. Ramdan Panigoro, Prof., MD, Ph.D (Universitas Padjadjaran)
15. Samuel Johny Haryono, MD, Ph.D, Sp.B K(Onk) (Dharmais Cancer Hospital)
16. Sofia Mubarika Haryana, Prof., MD, Ph.D (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
17. Sultana MH Faradz, Prof., MD, Ph.D (Center for Biomedical Research, Universitas Diponegoro)
18. Tri Indah Winarni, Prof., MD, Ph.D (Center for Biomedical Research, Universitas Diponegoro)
19. Tri Wibawa, Prof., MD, Ph.D, Sp.MK (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
20. Yunia Sribudiani, MD, Ph.D (Universitas Padjadjaran)
*To be confirmed

All submissions have to be made through EDCISFK Conference Management System. You can read all submission systems on our website. Those who do not have an EDCISFK account will need to create one. All of the submitted InaSHG 2021 papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers using a blind peer-review process.

We would like to thank you for your kindness to forward this information and flyer to your colleagues/students. Please email us for any questions to inashgfkugj@gmail.com. We are excited to bring the 2nd InaSHG Conference 2021 to you and hope that you will join us from wherever you will be!

⚠️ As the pandemic continues, it has become clear that it is more important, and necessary to protect the well-being of our community. The health and safety of the InaSHG Conference attendees must be our number one priority – and the best way to ensure that safety is to hold the conference in a virtual space.
Following the advice and guidelines from healthcare officials and local authorities, the 2nd InaSHG Conference 2021 will now be held virtually on September 04-05, 2021. Information and instructions on how to prepare for a virtual presentation will be sent along with the notification of the abstract acceptance. Although the 2nd InaSHG Conference cannot be held physically, the integrity and quality of the research and content will remain and now be experienced in the virtual environment.


Sincerely yours,


The 2nd InaSHG Conference Committee

Kindly check also the 2nd InaSHG conference Poster and Flyer



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