Abstract-Full Paper Submission Guidelines


February 15, 2020:               Abstract submission deadline

February 20, 2020:               Notification of Abstract Acceptance


Call for Abstract

Abstracts are invited on all aspects of health related research, especially the conference sub-themes below:

  1. Molecular Genetics and Techniques
  2. Counseling Genetics and Social Aspects
  3. Clinical Genetics
  4. Immunology
  5. Communicable Diseases
  6. Non-Communicable Diseases
  7. Health Technology and Medical Treatment
  8. Pharmaceutical Sciences
  9. Health Promotion, Health Policy and Education
  10. Mental Health
  11. Environmental and Occupational Health
  12. Sport Sciences and Physical Education
  13. Cancer Biology and Cancer Therapeutics
  14. Others

How to Submit:

  • Login to using your InaSGH & ICoHeS 2020 Account email and password through the system available in our website to
    submit abstract.
  • Only after the status of your abstract is “Accepted”, that you can
    upload payment slips through the system (not by email).
  • Login to using your account to download Letter of Acceptance/
    payment receipt/Letter of Invitation.
  • Please regularly login to check the status of your submission.
  • Review process is done fully online through the system (not by email).
  • Only after the status of your abstract is “Accepted”, you can submit
    your full paper by email to inashgfkugj@gmail.com before March 15,
    2020. The full paper will be reviewed, and only selected paper will be
    submitted in the International Journal Indexed by Scopus or National
    Journal Accredited by Indonesian Higher Education Commission
    (SINTA 1-3).


  • The registration fee for presenter is not included for the
    publication fee.



  1. All PRESENTERS must register to attend the 2nd InaSHG conference in conjunction
    with the 1st UGJ ICoHeS conference. The registration fee covers seminar materials,
    lunch, morning and afternoon teas, attendance of all technical sessions. The
    registration fee covers one participant only. Multiple authors who are attending
    must register separately, and those who are not presenting should register as a nonpresenter.
    The registration fee for presenter is not included for the publication fee.
  2. Any delegate may submit abstract/s of his or her work for presentation during the
  3. Abstracts should include original data that has not been previously published in a
    peer-reviewed journal or any publication.
  4. All abstracts must be submitted online through official website: inashg-fkugj.id. Only
    electronically submitted abstracts will be accepted. Abstracts sent by fax or post will
    not be accepted.
  5. The abstract submission deadline is February 15, 2020.
  6. Only those abstracts that have been reviewed and selected by the Abstract Review
    Committee may be presented.
  7. All abstracts must be written in English. The text should not exceed 200 words.
  8. Abstracts must describe clearly the purpose and results of the research and should
    contain the following:
    a. Title: all words to identify the subject matter of the study
    b. Objectives: purpose of the study or hypothesis tested
    c. Methods: setting for the study, subjects and type of statistical analysis
    d. Results: outcome of the study and statistical significance
    e. Conclusion: significance of the results
  9. Table and pictures cannot be included in the abstract.
  10. Non-standard abbreviations are not allowed in abstract titles. Abbreviations may be
    used in the body of an abstract if they are defined at their first mention in the text.
  11. The accuracy of the submitted abstract is the responsibility of the authors. Errors
    made on submitted abstract are likely to appear in print. Authors should prepare
    and proofread their abstracts carefully prior to submission. The Abstract Review
    Committee will not proof-read or correct spelling, typographical, grammatical, or
    scientific errors, nor can changes be made once the abstract has been submitted.
  12. Once an abstract has been submitted, a confirmation will be sent via e-mail. The
    abstract cannot be withdrawn or edited
  13. Presenters will not be given a poster or an oral presentation slot until full payment
    for their registration is received and approved by the committee.
  14. If an abstract is accepted and the PRESENTER does not register, the abstract may be
  15. Abstract Acceptance Remarks/notification will be notified by e-mail as mentioned in
    the deadline (20 February 2019).
  16. By submitting an abstract, the author/s agree to publish the abstract in Book of
    Abstract of the 2nd InaSHG conference in conjunction with the 1st UGJ ICoHeS

For any problems or inquiries regarding abstract submission, please email

Please find attached:

InaSHG 2nd Conference 2020_How to submit Abstract

InaSHG 2nd Conference 2020_Submission Guideline

Publication Opportunities

Selected papers will be submitted in International Journal indexed by Scopus and National Journal accredited by Indonesian Higher Education Commission (SINTA)