Gallery – ISGC

Since being established in 2021, ISGC has been actively advocating the needs and importance of the genetic counselor profession. It also provides continuing professional development activities through a routine bi-monthly scientific webinar, discussing various cases and topics related to genetic and genetic counseling with competent panelists. Aside from the webinars, ISGC also holds an annual meeting every year in the form of a scientific meeting. The first ISGC conference was held in Surabaya in 2022.

Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Sultana MH Faradz, ISGC has actively participated in the global genetic counseling community, where one of the recent projects was making an educational role-play video as part of the Transnational Alliance for Genetic Counseling (TAGC), an international organization that helps connect genetic counselors across the globe to enhance international communication and collaboration.